About Us

About Women in Vision UK

Gender inequality exists in ophthalmology, optometry and vision sciences. Women in Vision UK is a network of women working in vision-related sciences and healthcare pioneered by Mariya Moosajee, Julie Daniels and Maryse Bailly, who recognized a need for change in 2017.


Our network is for all women working in and around vision. We have over 350 members so far, from lab-based researchers, to those in clinical practice as well as support staff, nurses and communications professionals - it is completely inclusive. The network is a dynamic and lively place to find new contacts, discover useful information and find support tools.

Our Mission

We should not exist and work in a world where there is any level of gender inequality. We want to promote diversity, leadership skills, education, and networking. We are doing this through six specific mission focus areas. Learn more about our mission here.

What have we done so far?

  1. We have generated a list of female speakers; a tool to help enable equal gender representation at seminars, conferences and at other events.
  2. To help build connections we have a started a list of useful contacts (members-only access). If you would like to be added to the list please email: h.khan@ucl.ac.uk
  3. There is also an annual Women in Vision UK day, held in different locations around the UK. Find out about the next one on our events page.

We also hope in the future to engage patient advocates, the public and the next generation of vision pioneers.

The Committee

Find out more about the WVUK committee

Our History

Find out more about the history of WVUK

Journal Partner