Location: London, UK
Dr Emily Chew (Director, Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications and Clinical Director National Eye Institute, NIH) gave the keynote lecture focusing on the importance of reproducibility in research. Surprisingly only 7% of studies are reproducible, now grant funding bodies such as the NEI include a section on how a research project will tackle this issue. She also highlighted that non-reproducible studies were often cited many times and so we are spreading “false news!”
The debate followed that scientific journals do not tend to publish negative findings or repetition- it can be perceived as duplication and lower the impact. These factors can perpetuate the issue and editors need to consider changes the way we publish data.
We all need to make sure our science is of the highest standards to ensure the best outcomes. The WVUK table enabled members to meet and discuss these pertinent issues. Overall, the luncheon was a great opportunity to join our international counterparts to form collaborations and discuss ethical issues that affect each and everyone of us.
On Wed 2nd May, fourteen WVUK members met to discuss their careers, research and future opportunities. it was a great mix of ophthalmology specialist trainees, including PhD students, fellows, Consultants, Professors, a journal editor! Highlighting the strength of the network and new connections that will last into the future.