Early Career Research Co-Lead: Ana C. Rodriguez
As a passionate advocate for women's empowerment and equality in ophthalmology, Ana is thrilled to join as an Early Career Research Co-Lead in Women in Vision UK.
After completing her medical degree and ophthalmology training in Mexico. Ana relocated to London to continue her training in paediatric ophthalmology at GOSH, Royal London Hospital and Moorfields. Throughout her training, she developed a keen interest in genetics and inherited retinal diseases.

Since then, she joined Prof Mariya Moosajee’s lab at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology where she is currently pursuing a PhD focused on CRB1 retinopathies. In her role as a clinical research fellow at UCL, Moorfields and Great Ormond Street Hospital, she is deeply committed to advancing our understanding of ocular conditions and improving patient care. Through her engagement in clinical sessions addressing genetics, strabismus, and paediatric ophthalmology, she is dedicated to serving as a mentor and role model for aspiring female ophthalmologists, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and break barriers in our profession.
Ana is honoured to join Women in Vision UK in their mission to empower women and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all in ophthalmology. Together, let us harness the power of collaboration and support to drive meaningful change and shape a brighter tomorrow for women in our field.
Early Career Research Co-Lead: Lindsay Rountree
Lindsay is very enthusiastic to undertake her new role as the Women In Vision UK Co-Lead for Early Career Research. Lindsay graduated from Cardiff University in 2006 with a degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences, and worked in independent high street practice for several years, where she was involved in diabetic retinopathy screening, OPwSI clinics, and referral triaging for the local area.

Although she has been a qualified optometrist for many years, she is relatively new to research, gaining her PhD from Cardiff University in 2018 and receiving the 2018 Master’s Medal from the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers for research conducted as part of this. She undertook a post-doc at Aston University, and now works as a lecturer in optometry at the University of Bradford. Her main research interest at the moment is the visual impact of ocular disease, although she is also involved in contact lens research and public health awareness.
She has previously been involved in organising the British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science (BCOVS) annual conference, and is currently an editorial board member for Optometry in Practice, one of the College of Optometrists’ journals.